“Change cannot be put on people. The best way to instill change is to do it with them. Create it with them.” – Lisa Bodell

These words now echo in the business world, more than ever. Every minute is a new challenge in our rapidly changing society. The challenge organizations face in today’s tough market competition isn’t just about how to do more but how to do more of the right things, in the right direction. And managing people correctly in this culture-first era is of utmost importance.

The significance of employee engagement has increased dramatically since the pandemic began due to shifting demands on both employees and employers. Due to the hybrid work model’s widespread adoption across many businesses, organizations are now required to adopt employee engagement practices and tools in order to accommodate this significant change.
A recent survey found that 60% of medium-sized businesses view employee engagement as a business strategy.

In India:

# Nearly 75% of businesses reported that their staff members were disengaged at work.

# Almost 30% of businesses are pursuing employee engagement initiatives to enhance the employee experience in the hybrid workplace

Indian employees are more devoted to their jobs than their counterparts abroad, according to the Global Employee Commitment Report. Even though they are dedicated and loyal to their work, they are not engaged in or flourishing at their jobs. A loyal employee and a successful employee can be distinguished from one another primarily by their level of positive engagement.

Trends are constantly shifting in the world we live in. A strategy that is effective today might not be tomorrow. For employee engagement, the same holds true. The idea of employee engagement is very nebulous. It refers to the “emotional connect” a worker has with their employer. It differs from person to person what inspires someone to give their all and makes them feel a part of an organization. Additionally, it alters in response to events taking place globally. For an organization to grow, it needs more than just “loyal” workers; it also needs “engaged” workers. Engaged employees develop, and when employees develop, businesses develop as well.

Employee engagement trends significantly shift with the entry of each new generation into the workforce. HR teams and future-focused managers need to stay up-to-date on these engagement strategies.
So, how do you ensure that your staff members are fully present at work? The following trends in employee engagement are those that will probably define it in 2023.

An increased emphasis on work-life balance
Companies all over the world switched to remote and hybrid working during the COVID-19 pandemic. 75% of employees claimed that working from home or another remote location results in higher productivity than doing so within the confines of an office. And it is high time for the company culture to embrace flexible shifts and remote working.

Thus, increased flexibility to enhance work-life balance will be a trend in employee engagement in the future. A better work-life balance leads to happier workers who are more engaged with their co-workers, clients, and the company as a whole.

Workplace diversity and gender-inclusivity
For an organization to achieve better business outcomes and increase employee engagement, diversity and inclusion are essential. When different nations, cultures, ethnic groups, and traditions come together, creative ideas are contributed. They also provide new perspectives and methods for solving problems, as well as feeling more engaged

A diverse culture fosters a more inventive, imaginative, and engaged workforce. Diversity and inclusion are anticipated to be major components of a larger employee engagement strategy in 2023.

Opportunities for career advancement

Nowadays, more than anything, workers want to advance their careers in this competitive world. They look for work that encourages both their professional and personal growth. They want to gradually mold their careers with each job role they take on. As a result, companies should invest in employee mentoring, development, and training. Additionally, e-learning and hobby learning platforms make it efficient for staff members to choose what, where, and when they learn.

A place with stagnant growth is not something that the GenZ and millennial workers would ever consider. Organizations must create a culture that encourages learning, development, and advancement in order to retain these employees.

Developing strong working relationships among employees and teams

Any successful business depends on strong, enduring relationships. Corporate events frequently aim to encourage teamwork, positive communication, and the drive to perform better than ever. By spending time together at fun and enlightening events, the teams become more cohesive.

Instead of stressing about deadlines and productivity, everyone will have a chance to get to know one another and relax at company milestone parties, festival celebrations, birthday parties, and other events on your annual planning calendar. Giving workers a chance to unwind with one another fosters teamwork and helps everyone feel energized when they return to the office.

Putting employee well-being on top 
The majority of people who experience depression and illness are desk-bound workers. They frequently disregard their general health because they are so preoccupied with the corporate rat race. As a result, there are many unproductive workers in the workforce.

It is said that “good health is good business.” The creativity and productivity of employees are higher when they are in good physical and mental health. The work-life balance of employees and their productivity are both increased by effective health and wellness initiatives.

Incorporating team-building exercises, yoga and meditation as well as wellness coaching and training, are some ideas for wellness programs.

Encouraging rewards and recognition 
Digital technology is advancing the world at an incredible rate. However, compassion, esteem, and approval are still things that people naturally seek. Receiving leadership praise and recognition is a crucial employee engagement trend that has never failed. The generation of today seeks a stronger sense of kinship with their employer. They seek acknowledgment and a sense of worth. The best workplaces combine a supportive corporate culture with compassionate leaders. People are motivated to perform better when their employers or leaders show appreciation for them, and when they do better, any company has the chance to quickly overtake competitors. 

To improve employee performance, it is necessary to embrace technology-driven employee recognition ideas. By doing so, you not only inspire individuals but also support the growth of your team’s overall output and productivity.

Skill development of personnel 
Upskilling and reskilling employees are the main goals of L&D programs in 2022, according to L&D professionals who were surveyed for LinkedIn’s 2022 Workforce Learning Report.

Employee skill development lowers the cost of replacing staff, increases productivity, and helps employees meet organizational standards. Because of this, more managers are putting an emphasis on equipping their staff with new skills using resources like learning management systems. The development of employee skills naturally boosts productivity while also raising employee engagement, so investing in employee skill development has a double positive effect. Offering employees opportunities to develop their skills can be done in a variety of strategic ways.

Develop a strategy that will help your business grow while fostering a sustainable workplace culture. Create a culture that puts the needs of its employees first and boosts their productivity.
Nudge Passion is committed to delivering credible, dependable, and cost-effective employee engagement solutions. It is India’s most credible platform, providing all-encompassing engagement and entertainment solutions with years of experience to boost employee productivity and loyalty, ultimately increasing your company’s profitability in 2023.

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